Tips for Selling Your Home in 2024

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If you've decided that selling your home in 2024 is the right choice, the tips below will help ensure you achieve the best possible results.

Organize Your Finances

First things first: your finances. Getting your finances in order is crucial whether you are buying a house or selling one.

This is especially important if your property needs any repairs or redecoration, as is often the case. You must also account for expenses such as real estate agent fees and commissions, marketing and listing costs, and home staging.

Partner With an Excellent Real Estate Agent

There are many ways to sell a property, but one of the most effective is to work with a trusted and expert real estate agent. Look around your area to find someone with strong local knowledge, a great reputation, and plenty of experience with home sales.

Complete All Necessary Repairs

We'll say it again: Before putting your house on the market, take care of any necessary repairs. Fortunately, many sellers find these are mostly minor issues, such as leaking faucets, outdated décor, and worn-out carpets.

However, if a thorough home inspection reveals that your property needs major work, you’ll have to bite the bullet. Seek out reputable, honest, and professional contractors, as it's unlikely you’ll have all the skills, tools, and time to handle the work yourself.

A word of caution to sellers who feel the need to completely overhaul their property to please potential buyers: That's not always necessary, and it can be very expensive.

Adding a sunroom, building a new home office, or undertaking other elaborate home improvement projects at this stage will not only cost you a lot of money but is also unlikely to add significant value to your property.

If you have the money and time to undertake one big project, focus on the kitchen or the bathroom—these are the two key rooms in most houses.

Clean and Declutter the Interior

Before putting your house on the market, ensure every room is clean, tidy, and clutter-free. This not only helps potential buyers see you as a serious and trustworthy seller but also showcases your house in its best light.

While decluttering is something you might want to handle yourself, as it involves valuables and personal items, cleaning is best left to a professional company. Although it will cost more money, it will save you time and hassle.

Remember Curb Appeal

Once the inside of your house is in tip-top shape, it’s time to focus on the outside—specifically, curb appeal. The exterior of your property is crucial for making a great first impression on visitors and buyers. If you find any work that needs to be done, don't hesitate to address it.

Even if everything looks good, there's always room for improvement. Adding a few new plants or shrubs, updating lighting, or enhancing the walkway can attract interested buyers quickly.

Assemble a "Dream Team"

Even if you aren’t planning to put your house on the market for a few weeks or months, it’s wise to start contacting contractors now. This will give you ample time to compare quotes, read customer reviews, and assess skills and specialties.

Unsure where to start? Consult your real estate agent. If you've chosen one with excellent local knowledge and industry expertise, they can connect you with trusted contractors from their network and may even help you secure a better deal.

Stage Your Home for Maximum Appeal

Last but certainly not least, selling a house in 2023 can be much easier if you opt for home staging. This helps potential buyers envision themselves living in the house and highlights the true essence of the property.

Professional staging requires a significant investment, but you'll quickly see that it's worth every cent. If your budget doesn't allow for professional staging and you believe you can do it yourself, give it a try before contacting a professional.

Home staging doesn’t have to be complex or extravagant. Start by removing personal items, such as photographs, vacation souvenirs, and other personal valuables. Then, invest in some nice, inexpensive accessories. New cushions and throws in neutral shades, indoor plants, and a few table lamps will instantly give your property a cozy, welcoming feel.

How to sell your house in 2024: A step-by-step guide

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Most home sellers dream of a stress-free sale in which they simply list their house, quickly find a qualified buyer, collect the cash and hand over the keys. If only it were that simple! In reality, selling a home involves many moving parts — some that you can control, and some that are out of your hands.

For example, geography might influence how long your house lingers on the market or how high of a list price you can get away with. In locations where competition is hot and inventory is low, odds are you’ll sell faster and command a higher price. Conversely, in places where home sales have cooled, you will likely have to work harder to attract the right buyer.

The real estate market has shifted significantly since the frenzied heights of the pandemic. Today, high prices are combining with high interest rates to create serious affordability challenges: The median price for a home is up near $400,000, and mortgage rates recently hit a 22-year high. It’s no wonder many buyers have little choice but to stay on the sidelines until either rates or prices (or both) come down.

So, as a seller, it’s smart to be prepared and control whatever factors you’re able to. Things like hiring a great real estate agent and maximizing your home’s online appeal can translate into a smoother sale — and more money in the bank. Here’s a nine-step guide to how to sell your house successfully.

1. Set a timeline: Start prepping your home well before you plan to list.

2. Hire an agent: An experienced agent who knows the market well can best position your home for local buyers.

3. Determine upgrades: Take on only projects your house really needs — you don’t have to upgrade everything.

4. Set a realistic price: Your agent can help you find the sweet spot.

5. List with pro photos: Buyers look at homes online first, so be sure you have a solid digital presence.

6. Review offers: Consider all factors, not just the highest dollar amount.

7. Weigh closing costs: Keep track of how much more you’ll need to pay at the closing table.

8. Consider an attorney: Legal expertise can help protect this significant financial transaction.

9. Close: Make sure you have all your documentation ready.

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